- I have a hard time holding on to people. I don’t like that about myself.
- I’ve worked with some really amazing people who I miss a lot, but because of number #1 I don’t talk to them near enough.
- I miss volleyball, and I didn’t think I would this soon.
- I really like sad songs; they’re my favorite.
- I only wear my high healed shoes when I’m mad and I want to be intimidating.
- When I was in high school my best friend and I would get together and bake I don't even know how many cookies, just to give them away to our friends at church. One time there was a fire in the oven. Those are some of my favorite memories.
- It drives me nuts when people don’t use the right their/they’re/there. Seriously...8thgrade English.
- Sometimes I talk too much in the conversation.
- I really hate losing and being wrong more that I let on. But I’m working on it.
- I could and probably still can play Back in Black on my flute.
- My mom is one of my best friends. One summer when I had to get to work extremely early she would get up with me just because. It meant the world to me.
- I hate debt and the faster Justin and I can pay off our college loans the better.
- Last spring God tugged on my heart that I should be more persistent with my prayers. He then provided two amazing blessings.
- I love to read and sometimes wish I could be a librarian. Reading, shelving books, I really like the Dewey decimal system. That makes me a dork.
- I was on the math team in 7th and 8th grade. In 7th grade I was selected for it because of my grades and in 8th grade I actually “tried out” for the team. Again, dork!
- I really like to write.
- I want to get my masters in non-profit communication.
- Someday I would like to teach.
- Someday I would like to own a bakery. But that probably won’t happen because I cannot see myself getting up at 4am to bake the bread.
- I’m slowly losing my ambitions, which I think is a good thing.
- I was once scared of midgets but now I just find them to be a strange phenomenon. But I’m still not going to sit down and watch Little People, Big World.
- My husband is amazing and I know that he’ll always take care of me.
- I want to change somebody’s life.
- I have a deep desire to see something beautiful; I mean stunningly beautiful.
- I really want to have my own blog. My blogging idol is Brandy Campbell, one of my college professors.
Recipe by jingqun luo
1 year ago
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